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Icon Button

The IconButton component in Pearl UI is a specialized button that renders an icon within. It is used to trigger various actions or events within your application. These actions could range from submitting a form, opening a dialog, canceling an action, or performing a delete operation. By default, the IconButton component renders the Pressable component.


import { IconButton } from "pearl-ui";


<IconButton icon={<Icon iconFamily="MaterialIcons" iconName="add" />} />

IconButton sizes#

The size prop allows you to adjust the size of the button. The value for this prop should be one of the keys available in PearlTheme.components.IconButton["sizes"], which are "xs", "s", "m", and "l" in the default component configuration.

<IconButton size="xs" icon={<Icon iconFamily="MaterialIcons" iconName="add" />} />
<IconButton size="s" icon={<Icon iconFamily="MaterialIcons" iconName="add" />} />
<IconButton size="m" icon={<Icon iconFamily="MaterialIcons" iconName="add" />} />
<IconButton size="l" icon={<Icon iconFamily="MaterialIcons" iconName="add" />} />

IconButton variants#

The variant prop allows you to change the visual style of the button. The value for this prop should be one of the keys available in PearlTheme.components.IconButton["variants"], which are "solid", "outline", and "ghost" in the default component configuration.

<IconButton variant="solid" icon={<Icon iconFamily="MaterialIcons" iconName="add" />} />
<IconButton variant="outline" icon={<Icon iconFamily="MaterialIcons" iconName="add" />} />
<IconButton variant="ghost" icon={<Icon iconFamily="MaterialIcons" iconName="add" />} />

Loading State of IconButton#

The isLoading prop can be used to display a loading state on the button. By default, IconButton will show a spinner and maintain the button's width.

<IconButton  isLoading  icon={<Icon iconFamily="MaterialIcons" iconName="add" />}/>

Customizing the Color Scheme#

The colorScheme prop allows you to change the color palette of the button. This is a powerful feature as it changes all the use color values in a palette through a single prop. The value for this prop should be one of the keys available in PearlTheme.palette that contain a palette of colors represented as an object, which are "primary", "secondary", "neutral", etc in the default Pearl theme.

<IconButton colorScheme="primary" icon={<Icon iconFamily="MaterialIcons" iconName="add" />} />
<IconButton colorScheme="secondary" icon={<Icon iconFamily="MaterialIcons" iconName="add" />} />

Grouping Buttons#

You can use the Stack or ButtonGroup component to group multiple buttons. When you use the ButtonGroup component, it allows you to:

  • Set the size, variant, and colorScheme of all buttons within it.
  • Add spacing between the buttons.
  • Flush the buttons together by removing the border radius of their children as needed.
import { ButtonGroup } from "pearl-ui";
<ButtonGroup variant="outline" spacing="6">  <IconButton icon={<Icon iconFamily="MaterialIcons" iconName="add" />} />  <IconButton    colorScheme="danger"    icon={<Icon iconFamily="MaterialIcons" iconName="remove" />}  /></ButtonGroup>;

To flush the buttons, pass the isAttached prop.

<ButtonGroup size="sm" isAttached variant="outline">  <IconButton icon={<Icon iconFamily="MaterialIcons" iconName="add" />} />  <IconButton    colorScheme="danger"    icon={<Icon iconFamily="MaterialIcons" iconName="remove" />}  ></IconButton></ButtonGroup>

Android Ripple Effect#

To maintain the native ripple effect on Android devices, IconButton provides a default ripple effect that should work for most scenarios. By default, the ripple color is the 200 palette value of the active color scheme.

Overriding Styles#

The IconButton component supports a variety of style props which can be used to override the pre-defined variant style in the theme. Manual style props passed into the component have a higher precedence than the default component configuration.

// passing style prop m="8" overrides the default component config value of m="1"// passing style prop boxShadow="xl" adds a box shadow to the button<IconButton  m="8"  boxShadow="3xl"  variant="outline"  icon={<Icon iconFamily="MaterialIcons" iconName="add" />}/>



  • IconButton has the role of button.
  • IconButton has the default accessibility label set as the text value passed into it. When the button is in a loading state, the accessibility label is set as "Loading". A custom label can be specified using the accessibilityLabel prop.
  • When the IconButton is disabled or loading, it is reflected as disabled and busy respectively in screen readers.
  • Similar to Pressable, IconButton expects an actionDescription prop to specify the intended outcome of interacting with the component eg. 'Closes modal', 'Go to the homepage', etc.

IconButton Component Properties#

Supported Style Properties#

The IconButton component is a composition of the Pressable component. Therefore, all properties related to the Pressable component can be passed to the IconButton component, in addition to the properties listed below.

Additional Properties#

Property NameRequiredData TypeDefaultDescription
iconYesReact.ReactElementDefines the icon to display within the button.
sizeNoPearlTheme.components.IconButton["sizes"]"m"Defines the size of the button.
variantNoPearlTheme.components.IconButton["variants"]"filled"Specifies the variant of the button.
isLoadingNobooleanfalseIndicates whether the button is in a loading state.
isFullWidthNobooleanfalseDetermines whether the button should span the entire width of the parent container.
colorSchemeNoPearlTheme["palette"]"primary"Defines the active color palette of the button. The expected value is the key of a palette object eg primary, secondary, neutral, etc.